I'm Jose Nunes

Frontend Developer

I've been a Frontend developer for more than 10 years. I love to build usable, accessible, and beautiful interfaces. I'm a big fan of clean, reusable, and maintainable code.

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Recent Work Experiences

Recent Projects

Some of the projects I maintain during my free time (breakable toys):

  • Widy
    Productivity app
    Widy is is a modern React SPA with all the common features of a CRUD app. It consumes a NestJS based REST API.
  • UI-Capsules
    React UI kit
    UI-Capsules is a collection of reusable and accessible components to build UIs with React. It is similar in nature to some popular projects like Chakra UI or Mantine.
  • Editor
    Rich text editor
    Prosemirror based editor with markdown shortcuts and serialization.
  • josenunes.dev
    Personal Website
    My personal website (you are looking at it). It is a static site powered by Next.js.