Orion Advisor Tech

Frontend Developer

Jun 2019 - Present

Main techs used:

ReactReact-NativeTypeScriptCSS in JSReact-Testing-Library

Orion Advisor Tech (https://orionadvisortech.com), exists to help fiduciary minded advisors realize their unique vision for success. The powerful, automated, interactive financial planning solution empowers consumers to take control of their financial wellness and allows advisors to identify new opportunities and grow their practice.

Orion apps
Orion's client portal (web and mobile versions).

At Orion, I work as a Frontend developer (React / React-Native), integrated into the team responsible for maintaining and improving Orion's client portal's web and mobile versions. The web version is a React SPA. The mobile app is a React-Native app that targets both iOS and Android platforms.

Orion call
It is always great to catch up with the team.